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“The Tamarind is an evergreen tree, 80 feet high by 25 in circumference, cultivated in India as far N. as the Jhelum, and very largely planted in avenues and ‘topes.’ The wood, which is yellowish-white, sometimes with red streaks, is hard and close-grained. It weighs about 83 pounds per cubic foot, is highly prized, but is very difficult to work, and is used in India for turning wheels, mallets, planes, furniture, rice-pounders, oil and sugar mills, etc. The West Indian and South American variety has legumes only three times as long as the broad, whereas the Indian tree has them six times as long. The tamarinds sold in the United States are chiefly West Indian tamarinds. They differ from the Black or East Indian tamarinds, of which the preserved pulp is black."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


Everybody's Cyclopedia (New York, NY: Syndicate Publishing Company, 1912)


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