Bird Skeleton

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Skeleton of a bird. 1: The head. 2: Cervical Vertebrae. 3: Dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. 4: Scapula. 5: Clavicle. 6: Coracoid bone. 7: Sternum. 8: Humerus. 9: Radius. 10: Ulna. 11: Carpus. 12: Metacarpus. 13: Phalanges (fingers). 14: Femur. 15: Tibia. 16: Fibula. 17: Tarsus. 18: Metatarsus. 19: Phalanges (toes).


skeleton, bird


Bird Anatomy


Calvin Cutter First Book on Analytic Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott and Co., 1875) 28


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