Hen's Egg

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“ Fig 110 - Hens egg, nat. size, in section; from Owen, after A. Thompson. A, cicatricle or “tread,” with its nucleus, of white germ-yelk, floating on surface of pale thin nutritive yelk, leading to central yelk-cavity, x; a, the yellow yelk-ball, deposited in the successive layers, forming a set of halones, and enveloped in the chalaziferous membrane which is spun out at opposite poles into the twisted strings, chalazae, c, c; b, b’, successive investments of softer white albumen; d, membrana putaminis, the “soft shell” or egg-pod, between layers of which at the great end of the egg is the air space, f;e, the shell.” Elliot Coues, 1884


Bird Anatomy


Elliot Coues Key to North American Birds (Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1884)


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