The Nun
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The Nun is a print that was designed by German artist Hans Holbein in 1538. It is part of a series called the “Dance of Death". It depicts a nun that has admitted her lover into her apartment while praying, death extinguishes the candles on the altar signifying the punishment of unlawful love.
death, candle, drawing, 16th century, German artist, Hans Holbein, dance of death, the nun, unlawful loveGalleries
Woodcut PrintsSource
Crane, Walter The Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New (New York, NY: G. Bells and Sons, Ltd, 1905)
1840×2400, 1.8 MiB
785×1024, 330.2 KiB
490×640, 163.8 KiB
245×320, 54.3 KiB