Glyptothek at Munich

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“In contrast to the Berlin school is that of Munich, which was founded by Gärtner. Its influence, which was supported by the renown of many edifices constructed by this architect, such as the Liberty, the University Buildings, and the Ludwigskirche, extended over many other parts of Germany. Without being in any way influenced by the works of Klenze, which are erected in the classical style, such as the Glyptothek, the Pantheon, the Valhalla, and many others, Gärtner’s pupils as well as his pupil’s pupils, continued in the course of Romantic treatment pointed out to them, and with few exceptions remained steadfast to the Romanesque style."The Glyptothek is a museum in Munich, Germany, which was commissioned by the Bavarian King Ludwig I to house his collection of Greek and Roman sculptures (hence Glypto-, from the Greek root glyphein, to carve). It was designed by Leo von Klenze in the Neoclassical style, and built from 1816 to 1830. Today the museum is a part of the Kunstareal.


A. Rosengarten, W. Collett-Sandars A Handbook of Architectural Styles (New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895)


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