A cube (A) has sides of 20 inches in length each, making its solid contents equal 8000 cubic inches. Being added are 3 equal portions 20x20x5, equaling 2000 cubic inches. The sum of these are 6000. You can find the second portion of the problem <a href="../62392/62392_cube_add2.htm">here</a>.

Cube with Additions 1

A cube (A) has sides of 20 inches in length each, making its solid contents equal 8000 cubic inches.…

In order to fill in the spaces from the three 2000 cubic inch additions, four new additions must be added: three 20x5x5 bars equaling 500 cubic inches and a 5x5x5 (125 cubic inches) cube for the corner. You can find the final cube <a href="../62393/62393_cube_add3.htm">here</a>.

Cube with Additions 2

In order to fill in the spaces from the three 2000 cubic inch additions, four new additions must be…

This is the final form of the original 20x20x20 inch or 8000 cubic inch cube with the addition of 7625 cubic inches making it a 25x25x25 inch cube equaling 15,625 cubic inches. You can find the original cube <a href="../62391/62391_cube_add1.htm">here</a>.

Cube with Additions 3

This is the final form of the original 20x20x20 inch or 8000 cubic inch cube with the addition of 7625…