An amice was a loose fitting garment worn by Romans over their tunics; it was also worn by priests and pilgrims.  It is a form of vestment used today by Roman Catholic priests during mass.


An amice was a loose fitting garment worn by Romans over their tunics; it was also worn by priests and…

A boy wearing an amice in a more contemporary fashion.

Boy with Amice

A boy wearing an amice in a more contemporary fashion.

Three examples of the medieval method of putting on the amice. The amice is a liturgical vestment used mainly in the Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran Church, in some Anglican churches, and Armenian and Polish National Catholic churches. It consists of a white cloth connected to two long ribbon-like attachments, by which it is fastened around the shoulders of the priest. In several Mediaeval uses, such as the Sarum Rite, the amice bore a broad stiff band of brocade or other decoration, giving the impression of a high collar. These were called apparelled amices.

Medieval Amice

Three examples of the medieval method of putting on the amice. The amice is a liturgical vestment used…