Instantaneous axis of two cones, each with angular velocity

Conic Motion

Instantaneous axis of two cones, each with angular velocity

"Folium of Descartes, with its asymptote. The equation is (4-y)(y-1)<sup>2</sup> = 3x<sup>2</sup>y ... In geometry, a plane cubic curve having a crunode, and one real inflexion, which lies at infinity.

Folium of Descartes

"Folium of Descartes, with its asymptote. The equation is (4-y)(y-1)2 = 3x2y ... In geometry, a plane…

This illustrates how to determine the force required to turn a connecting rod of a steam engine.

Connecting Rod of a Steam Engine

This illustrates how to determine the force required to turn a connecting rod of a steam engine.