"Plan of Wells Cathedral. A, Apse or apsis. B, Altar, altar-platform, and altar-steps. D E, Eastern or lesser transept. F G, Western or greater transept. H, Central towers. I J, Western towers. K, North porch. L, Library or register. M, Principal or western doorway. N N, Western side doors. O, Cloister yard or garth. P Q, North and south aisles of choir. R S, East and west aisles of transept. T U, North and south aisles of nave. R R, Chapels. V, Rood screen or organ loft. W, Altar of Lazy chapel." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919

Wells Cathedral

"Plan of Wells Cathedral. A, Apse or apsis. B, Altar, altar-platform, and altar-steps. D E, Eastern…