A genus of sessile cirripeds, family Balanidae, of which colonies are to be found on rocks at low water.


A genus of sessile cirripeds, family Balanidae, of which colonies are to be found on rocks at low water.

An illustration showing the early stages of balanus: A, nauplis (larva); e, Eye; B, Cypris-larva with a bivalve shell just before becoming attached; C, After becoming attached, side views; D, Later state, viewed from above; E, side view, later stage and cirri extended.

Early Stages of Balanus

An illustration showing the early stages of balanus: A, nauplis (larva); e, Eye; B, Cypris-larva with…

A white or brown arthropoda. Has a pair of cirri, which form a net used to scoop food particles out of the water and into its mouth. Usually very sharp around the opening.


A white or brown arthropoda. Has a pair of cirri, which form a net used to scoop food particles out…