Alnus is also known as the Adler Tree. The flower clusters on the alnus glutinosa tree are known as catkins which are large, long, and shaped like a cylinder.

Alnus Glutinosa Catkins and Fruit

Alnus is also known as the Adler Tree. The flower clusters on the alnus glutinosa tree are known as…

"A tree which grows plentifully in Europe and in Siberia. It is a native of Britain, and is frequent in Scotland, where it is found even at an elevation of 1500 feet above the sea. It has recieved the specific name tremula, from the readiness with which its leaves are thrown into a tremulous motion by the slightest breath of wind. a, a portion of a branch with catkins; b, do., with leaves." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A tree which grows plentifully in Europe and in Siberia. It is a native of Britain, and is frequent…

The female flowers of a catkin from the Common Aspen (Populus tremula).

Common Aspen

The female flowers of a catkin from the Common Aspen (Populus tremula).

"Male and female catkins of Betula alba." -Lindley, 1853

White Birch

"Male and female catkins of Betula alba." -Lindley, 1853

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear monoecious flowers, the male catkins being small and oval, whilst the female ones are much longer. The leaves are bright green, linear, soft, and usually produced in short bundles on each side of the spray. They appear very early in the spring. The timber, which is very hard and tough, is much used in shipbuilding and for railway sleepers, and in cabinet work is capable of taking a very high polish. The species most commonly planted is 'L. europaea', whcich grows to about 100 ft in height. Other species are 'L. occidentalis', a tall and handsome American tree and 'L. laricina', the tamarack, or hackmatack, of North America. This is a straggling tree, most common in swampy soils, with smaller cones than has the the European species. It reaches a height of 70 ft., and the wood is valuable for the same purposes  as that of other larches.
(1. Scale of cone with two seeds; 2. anther)

Larch, Cone and Flowers (male and female)

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear…

"Scotch Pine (P. slvestris). 1, a twig showing: a, staminate catkins; b, pistillate catkins; c, a cone; d, needles. 2, an anther, a, side view; b, outer surface. 3, a carpel-scale, a, inner surface; b, outer surface. 4, a cone-scale, a seed-wing, and a seed. 5, section of a seed, showing the embryo." -Bergen, 1896

Scotch Pine

"Scotch Pine (P. slvestris). 1, a twig showing: a, staminate catkins; b, pistillate catkins; c, a cone;…