Every human body begin as a single nucleated cell. This cell, known as the ovum, divides or segments and gives rise to a mass consisting of a number of similar units known as the morula. At this stage there are no distinguishable tissues.

Cell Development

Every human body begin as a single nucleated cell. This cell, known as the ovum, divides or segments…

Successive stages of mitosis or karyokinesis. A, B, C, D, and E illustrate the phenomena of the prophase; F those of the metaphase; G and H those of the anaphase; J, K, and L those of the telophase.

Reproduction of Cells

Successive stages of mitosis or karyokinesis. A, B, C, D, and E illustrate the phenomena of the prophase;…

Karyokinesis. Labels: a, ordinary nucleus of a columnar epithelial cell; B, C, the same nucleus in the stage of convolution; D, the wreath or rosette from; E, the aster, or single star; F, a nuclear spindle the Descemet's endothelium of the frog's cornea; G, H, I, diaster; K, two daughter nuclei.


Karyokinesis. Labels: a, ordinary nucleus of a columnar epithelial cell; B, C, the same nucleus in the…

The early stages of karyokinesis. Labels: A, The thicker primary fibers remain and the achromatic spindle appears. B, The thick fibers split into two and the achromatic spindle becomes longitudinal.

Early Stages of Karyokinesis

The early stages of karyokinesis. Labels: A, The thicker primary fibers remain and the achromatic spindle…

The final stage of karyokinesis. In the lower figure the changes are still more advanced than in the upper.

Final Stage of Karyokinesis

The final stage of karyokinesis. In the lower figure the changes are still more advanced than in the…

Metakinesis- chromatic figure, spindle. Labels: A, early stage; B, later stage; C, latest stage-formation of disaster.


Metakinesis- chromatic figure, spindle. Labels: A, early stage; B, later stage; C, latest stage-formation…