"Siege of Vicksburg- the fight in the crater of Fort Hill after the explosion, June 27th, 1863. Our sketch shows the crater in its relative position to the surrounding works, and the city of Vicksburg in the distance. The entire crest, with the exception of this point, was held by the Confederates, although unable to use artillery on it in consequence of the bearing of the Federal guns upon it, as shown by the effect of two shots to right and left of the crater. The sharpshooters were protected by gabions filled with earth, on top of which were placed heavy logs, with small portholes, through which they kept up a continuous fire. This decided the siege. The key of the Confederate works had been arried, and Pemberton, after a fruitless endeavor to obtain terms, surrendered on the 4th of July."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Siege of Vicksburg

"Siege of Vicksburg- the fight in the crater of Fort Hill after the explosion, June 27th, 1863. Our…