At the time this picture was drawn the handsome arsenal of the government of Charleston, South Carolina, was an object of great interest. An immense amount of ammunition was stored there, and raids upon it were expected at any moment. It was watched and guarded with great care by detachments of the Washington Light Infantry. It was afterward seized by the State authorities on December 28, 1860.

United States Arsenal at Charleston

At the time this picture was drawn the handsome arsenal of the government of Charleston, South Carolina,…

"General McClellan and the Federal troops passing through Frederick City, Md., in pursuit of the Confederate army- their enthusiastic reception by the inhabitants, September 12th, 1862. Most certainly it was distance that lent enchantment to the view of the eyes of the Marylanders, so far as the Confederate army was concerned, for it appeared that, instead of 50,000 recruits so confidently predicted by Mr. Miles, one of the Confederate Congress of Richmond, they did not actually realize more then 700, and of these nearly 300 refused to carry out their enlistments. All accounts proved that the Confederate army was of the Felstaffian regime, and not at all calculated to make a favorable impression upon the olfactory and pecuniary faculties of the Secessionists of Maryland. When the Confederate generals, with their staffs, entered Frederick City, they were at first welcomed, but when the ragged regiments made their appearance a change came over the spirit of their dream, and the inhabitants woke from their delusion. Our sketch reprsents the rapturous reception given to Gneral McClellan. It was a perfect ovation. Flowers were showered down upon the Federals, while the waving of flags and the cheers of the inhabitants completed the inspiring scene." —Leslie, 1896

Frederick City

"General McClellan and the Federal troops passing through Frederick City, Md., in pursuit of the Confederate…

"And the most part of the multitude spread their garments in the way; and others cut branches from the trees, and spread them in the way. And the multitudes that went before him, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying, Who is this?" Matthew 21:8-10 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a colt, right hand raised, as crowds welcome him with palm branches. A man lays a piece of cloth on the ground for the colt to walk on. A small child on the left waves a tree branch.

Jesus' Triumphal Entry and Welcome into Jerusalem

"And the most part of the multitude spread their garments in the way; and others cut branches from the…