"A Greek and Roman liquid measure, containing one-twelfth of the sextarius, or .0825 of a pint English. The form of the cyathus used at banquets was that of a small ladle, by means of which the wine was conveyed into the drinking-cups from the large vessel in which it was mixed. Two of these cyathi are represented in this following woodcut." — Smith, 1873.


"A Greek and Roman liquid measure, containing one-twelfth of the sextarius, or .0825 of a pint English.…

"The <em>crater</em> was a vessel in which the wine, according to the custom of the ancients, who very seldom drank it pure, was mixed with water, and from which the cups were filled. The liquid was conveyed from the crater into the drinking-cups by means of a <em>cyathus</em>, or small ladle." &mdash; Anthon, 1891


"The crater was a vessel in which the wine, according to the custom of the ancients, who very…