Diagrams of monkey's brain to show the effects of electric stimulation of certain spots. Labels: 1. causes movement of supination and flexion of forearm; 7, elevation of the upper lip; 8, conjoint action of elevation of upper lip and depression of lower; 9, opening mouth and protrusion of tongue; 10, retraction of tongue; 11, action of platysma; 12, elevation of eyebrows and eyelids, dilation of pupils, and turning head to opposite side and upwards, with usually contraction of the pupils; 13', similar action, but eyes usually directed downwards; 14, retraction of opposite ear, head turn to the opposite side, the eyes widely opened, and pupils dilated; 15, stimulation of this regions, which corresponds to the tip of the uncinate convolution, caused torsion of the lip and nostril of the same side.

Brain of a Monkey to Show effects of Electric Stimulation

Diagrams of monkey's brain to show the effects of electric stimulation of certain spots. Labels: 1.…