"Balearica pavonina, the "Crowned" Crane of the Northern Ethiopian Region, is greenish-black above and dark grey below, most of the feathers being lanceolate (shaped like a lance); the neck is delicate grey all around, the secondaries are chestnut-the inner being somewhat decomposed; white and yellow shew on the wing coverts; a spreading tuft of twisted yellow and white bristles with black tips surmounts the occiput, while the sides of the face are bare-white above and pink below, and the throat is covered with black down. There is a very small throat-wattle in this form." A. H. Evans, 1900

Crowned Crane

"Balearica pavonina, the "Crowned" Crane of the Northern Ethiopian Region, is greenish-black above and…

"Scopus umbretta, the Hammerhead, of Madagascar and a large part of the Ethiopian Range, is purplish-brown, with black tail-bars, wider towards the tip; the head exhibits a thick erectile crest, generally carried horizontally; the bill is black and the feet are brownish." A. H. Evans, 1900

Hammerhead Standing Near Water

"Scopus umbretta, the Hammerhead, of Madagascar and a large part of the Ethiopian Range, is purplish-brown,…