"Babylon is said, by some writers, to have owed its foundation to Queen Semiramis, a person whose history, as it is handed down by tradition, seems to consist rather of entertaining fictions than substantial realities. By other authors, the foundation of the city is ascribed to Belus, and Nebuchadnezzar is allowed to have completed the labor. It stood on the Euphrates, in the middle of a wide plain, and was built in the form of an exact square, each side being fifteen miles in extent." — Goodrich, 1844


"Babylon is said, by some writers, to have owed its foundation to Queen Semiramis, a person whose history,…

"In their upper course the Euphrates and the Tigris traverse a region of steppes broken by rocky ridges and interspersed with pastures and fruitful districts. The banks of the rivers are fringed with plane-trees, tamarisks, and cypresses. Here and there are meadowlands, alternating with low hills. Further on, as the rivers descend to the level, the valleys broaden; but at the same time the higher district between becomes more sterile kind of upland waste, abounding in ostriches and bustards, the native home of wild asses and nomadic tribes of men."—Ridpath, 1885

Confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates

"In their upper course the Euphrates and the Tigris traverse a region of steppes broken by rocky ridges…

Also known as Phoenix Dactylifera. The date palm tree is one of the oldest fruit trees in the world. Dates held a very important role in certain desert regions as the staple food crop.

Date Palm of the Lower Euphrates

Also known as Phoenix Dactylifera. The date palm tree is one of the oldest fruit trees in the world.…

This illustration shows the city of Hillah, on the Euphrates river.


This illustration shows the city of Hillah, on the Euphrates river.