Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13, occipito-frontalis.

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13,…

Muscles of the face, jaw and neck. 1, longus colli; 2, rapezius; 3, sterno-hyoid; 4, sterno-mastoid; 5, erico-thyroid; 6, trapezius; 7, constrictor of pharynx; 8, sterno-mastoid; 9, digastric; 10, attrahens aurem; 11, mylo-hyoid; 12, masseter; 13, depressor oof lower lip; 15, orbicularis oris; 17, levator of upper lip; 19, levator of angle of mouth; 21, orbicularis palpebrarum.

Facial Muscles

Muscles of the face, jaw and neck. 1, longus colli; 2, rapezius; 3, sterno-hyoid; 4, sterno-mastoid;…

Temporal and deep muscles of the mouth.

Muscles of the Mouth

Temporal and deep muscles of the mouth.

The temporal muscle is a broad muscle situated at the side of the head and occupying the entire extent of the temporal fossa. Shown is the temporal muscle, the zygoma and Masseter removed.

Temporal Muscle

The temporal muscle is a broad muscle situated at the side of the head and occupying the entire extent…