"A Block is a pulley or a system of pulleys rotating on a pintle mounted in its frame or shell with its band and strap. There are many kinds of blocks, as a pulley block, a fiddle block, a fish block, a fly block, a heart block, a hook block, etc. A block and tackle is the block and the rope rove through it, for hoisting or obtaining a purchase."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Block and Tackle

"A Block is a pulley or a system of pulleys rotating on a pintle mounted in its frame or shell with…

Fiddler sitting at table


Fiddler sitting at table

A man playing a typical alto guitar fiddle in the 15th century.

Alto Guitar Fiddle

A man playing a typical alto guitar fiddle in the 15th century.

A man with his fiddle.

Man with Fiddle

A man with his fiddle.

Woman and fiddler

Pictorial banner

Woman and fiddler

An instrument with four strings, played with a bow; a fiddle.


An instrument with four strings, played with a bow; a fiddle.

A violin is constructed with its sounding box formed with a concave bottom surface to fit against the shoulder of the violinist and with a hook on its top surface that can be attached to a band around the violinist's body. In addition, the violin is formed in a pear shape with a longer neck section than in the classical violin. Thereby, the violinist can play the instrument without supporting it under the chin, and achieve full range of fingering without interference from the front edge of the sounding box.

Violin Body

A violin is constructed with its sounding box formed with a concave bottom surface to fit against the…

The treble instrument of the family of modern bowed instruments, held nearly horizontal by the player's arm with the lower part supported against the collarbone or shoulder.

Musical Violin

The treble instrument of the family of modern bowed instruments, held nearly horizontal by the player's…