Ships of the 15th century.

Ancient Ships

Ships of the 15th century.

"Student life in the earlier university period, before the dormitory and college system was introduced, was unregulated and shamefully disorderly. The age was rough and lawless, and the student class were no better than their age; indeed, in some respects they seem to have been worse."—Myers, 1905

University Audience in the Fifteenth Century

"Student life in the earlier university period, before the dormitory and college system was introduced,…

"A French watch tower of the fifteenth century in time of the siege. The tower is lighted by means of beacons and is protected by dogs. Ruins of such a tower can still be seen at Godesberger on the Rhine." -Bodmer, 1917

Medieval Watch Tower

"A French watch tower of the fifteenth century in time of the siege. The tower is lighted by means of…