Poisonous fruit, they can grow to be common houseplants. Many solanum's have become weeds.

Solanum Capsicastrum

Poisonous fruit, they can grow to be common houseplants. Many solanum's have become weeds.

A poisonous perennial vine, with violet flowers.

Solanum Dulcamara

A poisonous perennial vine, with violet flowers.

An ornamental shrub, often grown in glass vases filled with sand.

Integrifolium Solanum

An ornamental shrub, often grown in glass vases filled with sand.

Family of the solanaceae; such as tomatos and potatoes.

Pseudo-capsicum Solanum

Family of the solanaceae; such as tomatos and potatoes.

A native to south america featuring stolons.

Solanum Tuberosum

A native to south america featuring stolons.

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.

Solanum Wendlandii

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.