"Grant's Campaign in Virginia. The Battle of Bethesda Church, between Crawford's division, Fifth Corps, and the Confederates, May 30th, 1864. At two P. M. the enemy attacked Crawford's division, and he, in accordance with instructions, fell back, and a line of battle was formed, Griffin on the right, Cutler in the centre, Crawford on the left, General Burnside's corps being to the right of Warren's. At six P. M. the enemy assaulted Griffin on the right. It was a general and sudden attack. They advanced in two lines of battle and heavy skirmish line. Simultaneous with their opening volley of musketry came solid shot and shell from the angry mouths of a score and more of hostile cannon. Firm and unshaken as a wall of brass stood the Federal troops. Schooled to such sudden attacks and ready for it, the Federals coolly waited to return the fire. It was a most murderous volley. The assaulting column were staggered and fell back. Upon General Crawford's division the assaults were more repeated and more fierce. The enemy sought to turn his left, but each time was handsomely repulsed, and more than special glory was won by the men meeting and expelling these assaults.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Grant's Campaign

"Grant's Campaign in Virginia. The Battle of Bethesda Church, between Crawford's division, Fifth Corps,…