In Norse mythology, Frey's son Frodi is given a magic grindstone from the fairies and elves. One who grinds the stone and sings shall get whatever they wish. Unable to move the large stone, Frodi takes two Giantesses as prisoners: Menia and Fenia. They grind gold for Frodi until he falls asleep. Then they grind soldiers to fight him.

Frodi's Grindstone

In Norse mythology, Frey's son Frodi is given a magic grindstone from the fairies and elves. One who…

Three men at work grinding scissors.

Grinding Hull

Three men at work grinding scissors.

"Grain enters the mill at H down into D and into tube A. The grain passes down through the holes B and C causing A to rotate. This rotation powers the millstone S at the top which grinds the grain before it reaches the dispersal tube A." —Quackenbos 1859

Barker's Mill

"Grain enters the mill at H down into D and into tube A. The grain passes down through the holes B and…

A mill which grounds grain into flour. This flour mill is located on a body of water.

Floating Flour Mill

A mill which grounds grain into flour. This flour mill is located on a body of water.

A grinding mill is a unit operation designed to break a solid material into smaller pieces. There are many different types of grinding mills and many types of materials processed in them. "A, bedstone; b, runner; e, step or ink; f, bridge-tree; n, eye; o, hoop; p, hopper; q, shoe; r, sprout; s, damsel; 2, lighter-screw; 3, husk." -Century, 1889

Grinding Mill

A grinding mill is a unit operation designed to break a solid material into smaller pieces. There are…

A grinding mill is a unit operation designed to break a solid material into smaller pieces. There are many different types of grinding mills and many types of materials processed in them. "A, bedstone; b, runner; g, bush; h, spindle; i, driver; j, balancerynd; k, cockeye; l, cockhead; n, eye; p, hopper; q, shoe; s, damsel." -Century, 1889

Grinding Mill

A grinding mill is a unit operation designed to break a solid material into smaller pieces. There are…

"A primitive mill for grinding corn, the stone of which was turned by the hand before the invention of windmills or water-mills. It is a contrivance of great antiquity, and so well adapted for the wants of a primitive people, that we find it perpetuated to the present day in remote districts of Ireland, and some parts of the Western Islands of Scotland." — Chambers, 1881


"A primitive mill for grinding corn, the stone of which was turned by the hand before the invention…

A garden tool used to flatten granular material.


A garden tool used to flatten granular material.