Skeleton of the hog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2; d, frontal, 2; c, temporal, 2; sphenoid, 1; ethmoid, 1; auditory ossicles, 8. Facial Bones- g, nasal, 2; h, os rostri, 1; f, lachrymal, 2; e, malar, 2; i, maxilla, 2; k, premaxilla, 2; l, inferior maxilla, 1; palatine, 2; 2, pterygoid, 2; vomer, 1; turbinals, 4; hyoid series, 5. Teeth: incisors, 12; canines, 4; molars, 28. The trunk- m, cervicle vertebre (variable), 18; r, ribs, 28; * sternum (seven sternebrae), 1. Appendicular Skeleton. Pectoral Limb. v, scapula, 2; w, humerus, 2; x, radius, 2; y, ulna, 2. carpus: z, trapezium, 2; a', cuneiform, 2; b', lunar, 2; c', scaphoid, 2; d', unciform, 2; e', magnum, 2; f', trapezoid, 2; g', pisiform, phalanges, 8; l', distal phalanges, 8; l", small sesamoids, 8. Pelvic Limb. Pelvis: s, ilium, 2; t, pubis, 2; u, ischium, 2. The limb-m', femur, 2; n', patella, 2; o', tibia, 2; p' fibula, 2. Tarsus- q' calcaneum, 3; r', astragalus, 2; s', cuboid, 2; t', cuneiforme magnum, 2; u', ecto-cuneiforme, 2; v' w', meso and endo cuneiformes, 4. Metatatarsus: large bones, 8; x', small bones 2; y', large sesamoids, 16. Digit: proximal phalanges, 8; median phalanges, 8; distal phalanges, 8; small sesamoids, 8. Visceral Skeleton- None. The separate bones of the skeleton of the hog, as here considered, are 234.

Skeleton of a Hog

Skeleton of the hog. Axial skeleton. The skull. Cranial bones- a, occipital, 1; b, parietal, 2; d, frontal,…