In Norse mythology, there is a war between the Winilers and the Vandals. Odin takes the side of the Vandals and his wife Frigga takes the side of the Winilers. Odin says he will help whoever he sees first the next morning. Frigga makes a plan that the women tie their long hair under their chins like a beard to disguise themselves as men and she moves the bed so Odin faces the window the women are standing near. He names them Long-Beards (Lombards) and helps them to victory.

Lombard Woman

In Norse mythology, there is a war between the Winilers and the Vandals. Odin takes the side of the…

"Lombardic Architecture is the style of architecture that prevailed in Lombardy and part of Upper Italy, and which for a long time was recognized as a distinct Lombard style, presenting essential points of difference from the other later Romanesque styles. In the Lombard churches the type of early Christian architecture was abandoned, and the vaulted basilica was introduced in its stead."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Lonja Palace, Valencia

"Lombardic Architecture is the style of architecture that prevailed in Lombardy and part of Upper Italy,…