Cassida Longicornis, common name Longhorned Tortoise Beetle.

Longhorned Tortoise Beetle

Cassida Longicornis, common name Longhorned Tortoise Beetle.

"1 and 1, Egg and Larva of Iulus; 2, and 2, Iulus; 3, Polydesmus; 4, Glomeris; 5, Geophilus; 6, Lithobius; 7, Scutigera Longicornis" — Goodrich, 1859


"1 and 1, Egg and Larva of Iulus; 2, and 2, Iulus; 3, Polydesmus; 4, Glomeris; 5, Geophilus; 6, Lithobius;…