Any of various devices furnishing artificial light, as by electricity or gas. Cf. fluorescent lamp, incandescent lamp.

Incandescent Lamp

Any of various devices furnishing artificial light, as by electricity or gas. Cf. fluorescent lamp,…

Lamp that generates light by heating a filament.

Incandescent Lamp

Lamp that generates light by heating a filament.

An artificial source of visible illumination, an oil lamp that will not ignite flammable gasses.

Miners Safety Lamp

An artificial source of visible illumination, an oil lamp that will not ignite flammable gasses.

"A small cylinder of lime is heated to intense luminosity in the flame of a spirit lamp through which a jet of oxygen plays." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Oxy-calcium Lamp

"A small cylinder of lime is heated to intense luminosity in the flame of a spirit lamp through which…