Military officer born in Spain in 1833. He served as governor-general of Cuba.

Ramon y Arenas Blanco

Military officer born in Spain in 1833. He served as governor-general of Cuba.

Mr. McKinley after Harrison's defeat in 1892.

McKinley after Harrison's Defeat

Mr. McKinley after Harrison's defeat in 1892.

"In the general election of 1896, the principal question at issue was the financial policy of the country. William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, was the candidate of those who 'demanded the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation.' William McKinley, of Ohio, was supported by those who maintained that the true policy was to use gold as the standard of value, in accordance with the practice of the other great nations; and the platform of the Republican party further demanded that international agreement should be sought for the free coinage of silver at some fixed ratio to be agreed upon. Mr. McKinley was elected."—Scudder, 1897

William McKinley

"In the general election of 1896, the principal question at issue was the financial policy of the country.…

Twenty-fourth president of the United States, born at Niles, Ohio Jan. 29, 1843; died Sept. 14, 1901. Previously, the 39th Governor of Ohio.

William McKinley

Twenty-fourth president of the United States, born at Niles, Ohio Jan. 29, 1843; died Sept. 14, 1901.…