Flagellata is an order of Protozoa characterized by the presence of flagellae (whip-like structures used for locomotion). In many flagellate forms, chlorophyll is present. These forms have been regarded by botanists as minute algae. This illustration shows 3 flagellates: 1) Ceratium Tripos, 2) Noctiluca, and 3) Euglena.


Flagellata is an order of Protozoa characterized by the presence of flagellae (whip-like structures…

"Volvox globator. A, entire colony, enclosing several daughter-colonies; B, the same during sexual maturity; C, four zooids in optical section; D1-D5, asexual formation of daughter-colony; E, zooid which has become converted into a mass of microgametes; F, microgamete; G, megagamete surrounded by microgametes; H, zygote; a, early stages in the formation of daughter-colonies; fl, flagellum; ov, ovy, megagametes; pg, pigment spot; spy, zooids containing microgametes." -Parker, 1900

Volvox Globator

"Volvox globator. A, entire colony, enclosing several daughter-colonies; B, the same during sexual maturity;…