Schizaeaceae: 1, aneimia, sporangium. Osmundaceae: 2, Osmunda, sporangium; a, front view, b, back view. Salviniaceae: 3, salvinia, a, whole plant; b, section of sporocarps showing sporangia. Marsileaceae: 4, marsilea, a, whole plant; b, sporocarp germinating; c, sporocarp emitting gelatinous thread with sori; 5, pilularia, a, cross section of sporocarp; b, sporocarp emitting sporangia.

Schizaeaceae, Osmundaceae, Salviniaceae, and Marrsileaceae

Schizaeaceae: 1, aneimia, sporangium. Osmundaceae: 2, Osmunda, sporangium; a, front view, b, back view.…