"Schubertia multiflora. 1. the anthers united to the stigma; 2. the ovary and stigma, from the latter of which the pollen masses have been removed; 3. a pair of pendulous pollen masses, with their gland; 4. the ripe follicles." -Lindley, 1853


"Schubertia multiflora. 1. the anthers united to the stigma; 2. the ovary and stigma, from the latter…

"Selago distans. 1. a flower; 2. an anther; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 4. section of seed of Microdon ovatum." -Lindley, 1853


"Selago distans. 1. a flower; 2. an anther; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 4. section of seed…

<i>Sansevieria Zeylanica</i> is the Latin name, but this plant is also called a Mother-in-law's Tongue. "A genus of monocotyledonous plants of the order of <i>Haemodoraceae</i> and tribe <i>Ophiopogoneae</i>. It is characterized by a long and slender perianth-tube, six filiform filaments, and a free ovary, fixed by a broad base, containing three cells and three erect ovules." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Snake Plant

Sansevieria Zeylanica is the Latin name, but this plant is also called a Mother-in-law's Tongue. "A…

"Details of the fructification of Struthanthus. 1. flower magnified; 2. section of calyx, ovary, and style; 3. fruit invested by the adnate calyx; 4. section of ditto after the calyx is removed; 5. an embryo with 4 cotyledons." -Lindley, 1853


"Details of the fructification of Struthanthus. 1. flower magnified; 2. section of calyx, ovary, and…

"Styrax leiophylla. 1. a flower natural size; 2. ditto cut open; 3. stamen seen in front; 4. ovary, with half the calyx removed; 5. longitudinal section of ovary; 6. transverse ditto; 7. ripe fruit; 8. longitudinal section of seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Styrax leiophylla. 1. a flower natural size; 2. ditto cut open; 3. stamen seen in front; 4. ovary,…

"Symplocos laxiflora. 1. expanded flower; 2. corolla cut open; 3. a stamen; 4. longitudinal section of ovary; 5. transverse ditto; 6. ripe fruit; 7. longitudinal section of ditto." -Lindley, 1853


"Symplocos laxiflora. 1. expanded flower; 2. corolla cut open; 3. a stamen; 4. longitudinal section…

"Valeriana celtica. 1. entire flower magnified; 2. the ovary and young calyx; 3. the fruit, with the pappose full-grown calyx; 4. a vertical section of fruit and seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Valeriana celtica. 1. entire flower magnified; 2. the ovary and young calyx; 3. the fruit, with the…

"Centranthus ruber. 1. a corolla; 2. section of ovary; 3. ripe fruit, with its pappus; 4. cross section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Red Valerian

"Centranthus ruber. 1. a corolla; 2. section of ovary; 3. ripe fruit, with its pappus; 4. cross section…

"Viviania crenata; 1. a flower; 2. a section of the ovary; 3. stamens and ovary." -Lindley, 1853


"Viviania crenata; 1. a flower; 2. a section of the ovary; 3. stamens and ovary." -Lindley, 1853

"Hydrophyllum canadense. 1. a flower; 2. a pistil; 3. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. a cross section; 5. Section of seed of H. virginianum." -Lindley, 1853

Bluntleaf Waterleaf

"Hydrophyllum canadense. 1. a flower; 2. a pistil; 3. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. a cross…

"Weinmannia Balbisiana. 1. its ovary." -Lindley, 1853


"Weinmannia Balbisiana. 1. its ovary." -Lindley, 1853