These protozoans form colonies. Pandorina colony colony seen from above.


These protozoans form colonies. Pandorina colony colony seen from above.

These protozoans form colonies. Pandorina cells just fused.


These protozoans form colonies. Pandorina cells just fused.

These protozoans form colonies. Pandorina cells completely fused.


These protozoans form colonies. Pandorina cells completely fused.

This illustration shows the features in the life history of Pandorina: A, a colony of plants. B, each plant of the colony dividing to form a new colony. C, the plants of a colony escaping as gametes. D, the conjugation of two gametes of unequal size. E, later stage in the conjugation. F, gametospore or resting spore. G, Large zoospore formed from the gametospore. H, a colony formed by the division of the zoospore, G.


This illustration shows the features in the life history of Pandorina: A, a colony of plants. B, each…

Pandorina, a one-celled, fresh water form, is a genus of green algae composed of 8, 16, or sometimes 32 cells, held together at their bases to form a globular colony surrounded by mucilage. The cells are ovoid or slightly narrowed at one end to appear keystone- or pear-shaped.


Pandorina, a one-celled, fresh water form, is a genus of green algae composed of 8, 16, or sometimes…

The sponge, a many celled animal, begins its life as a single-cell, the egg. Fourth division into a sixteen cell stage. This repeated process give the young sponge the general form of Pandorina.

Sponge Develoment

The sponge, a many celled animal, begins its life as a single-cell, the egg. Fourth division into a…