Forms of muscles and tendons. Labels: A, adductor of thigh; B, biceps of arm; D, deltoid, G, gastrocnemius; P', pronator of forearm; P", pectoral; R, rectus abdominis; R", rectus muscle of thigh; S', serratus magnus of thorax; S", semi-membranosus of thigh.

Forms of Muscles and Tendons

Forms of muscles and tendons. Labels: A, adductor of thigh; B, biceps of arm; D, deltoid, G, gastrocnemius;…

"Fins of Common Perch. D, first dorsal; D', second dorsal; P, pectoral; V, ventral; A, anal; C, caudal." -Whitney, 1911

Fins of Common Perch

"Fins of Common Perch. D, first dorsal; D', second dorsal; P, pectoral; V, ventral; A, anal; C, caudal."…

Superior muscles of the upper front of the trunk. Labels: 1, sterno-hyoid; 2, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 3, sterno-thyroid; 4, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 5, edge of the trapezius; 6, clavicle; 7, clavicular origin of the pectoralis major; 8, deltoid; 9, fold of the pectoralis major of the anterior edge of the axilla; 10, middle of the pectoralis major; 11, crossing and interlocking of the fibers of the external oblique of one side with those of the other; 12, biceps flexor cubiti; 13, teres major; 14, serratus major anticus; 15, superior heads of external oblique interlocking with serratus major.

Muscles of the Upper Trunk

Superior muscles of the upper front of the trunk. Labels: 1, sterno-hyoid; 2, sterno-cleido-mastoid;…