An illustration showing how to construct a pentagon on a given line. "From B erect BC perpendicular to and half the length of AB; join A and C prolonged to D; with C as center and CB as radius, draw the arc BD; then the chord BB is the radius of the circle circumscribing the pentagon. With A and B as centers, and BD as radius, draw the cross O in the center."

Construction Of A Pentagon On A Line

An illustration showing how to construct a pentagon on a given line. "From B erect BC perpendicular…

An illustration showing how to construct a pentagon on a given line without resort to its center. "From B erect Bo perpendicular to and equal to AB; with C as center and Co as radius, draw the arc Do, then AD is the diagonal of the pentagon. With AD as radius and A as center, draw the arc DE; and with E as center and AB as radius, finish the cross E, and thus complete the pentagon."

Construction Of A Pentagon On A Line

An illustration showing how to construct a pentagon on a given line without resort to its center. "From…