The plan of the cervical and brachial plexuses (nerves), somewhat simplified.

Cervical and Brachial Plexuses (Nerves)

The plan of the cervical and brachial plexuses (nerves), somewhat simplified.

The ninth, tenth, and eleventh cranial nerves. Labels: 1, Gasserian ganglion; 2, internal carotid; 3, pharyngeal branch of pneumogastric; 4, glosso-pharyngeal; 5, lingual; 6, spinal accessory; 7, middle constrictor of pharynx; 8, internal jugular vein; 9, superior laryngeal nerve; 10, ganglion of pneumogastric, 11, hypoglossal; 12, ditto communicating with eighth and first cervical; 13, external laryngeal; 14, second cervical; 15, pharyngeal plexus; 16, superior cervical ganglion; 17, superior cardiac nerve; 18, third cervical; 19, thyroid body; 20, fourth cervical; 21, recurrent laryngeal; 22, spinal accessory; 23, trachea 24, middle cervical ganglion; 25, middle cardiac nerve; 26, phrenic; 27, left carotid; 28, bronchial plexus; 29, phrenic; 30, inferior cervical ganglion; 31, pulmonary plexus; 32, aorta; 33, esophageal plexus; 34, vena axygos superior; 35, vena azygos minor; 36, gangliated cord of sympathetic.

The Ninths, Tenth, and Eleventh Cranial Nerves

The ninth, tenth, and eleventh cranial nerves. Labels: 1, Gasserian ganglion; 2, internal carotid; 3,…

The plan of the lumbosacral plexus (nerves).

Lumbosacral Plexus (Nerves)

The plan of the lumbosacral plexus (nerves).

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve, b, auditory nerve; VIII, pneumo-gastric nerve; VIII, a, glosso-pharyngeal, b, spinal accessory; IX, hypoglossal; c1-c7, cervical nerve root; d1-d12, dorsal nerve roots; L1-L5, lumbar nerve roots; S4-S5, 4th and 5th sacral nerves; Cocc, coccygeal nerves; B.P., brachial plexus; L.P., lumbar plexus; S.P. sacral plexus; S a, b, c, cervical sympathetic ganglia.

Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Base of Brain

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve,…

The sympathetic ganglions and their connection with other nerves. Labels: A, The semilunar ganglion and solar plexus. D, The thoracic (chest) ganglions. E, The external and internal branched of the thoracic ganglions. G, H, The right and left coronary (heart) plexus. I, N, Q , The inferior, middle and superior cervical (neck) ganglions. 1, The renal plexus of nerves. 2, The lumbar (loin) ganglions. 3, Their internal branches. 4, Their external branches. 5, The aortic plexus of nerves.

The Sympathetic Ganglions and their Connection to other Nerves

The sympathetic ganglions and their connection with other nerves. Labels: A, The semilunar ganglion…

"Showing the distribution of some of the great plexuses of the sympathetic nerve in the lumbar and sacral regions." — Blaisedell, 1904

Plexuses of the Sympathetic Nerves

"Showing the distribution of some of the great plexuses of the sympathetic nerve in the lumbar and sacral…