"Brachionus rubens. A, from the dorsal aspect; B, from the right side. a, anus; br, brain; d. f. dorsal feeler; c. gl, cement gland; cl, cloaca; c. l, ciliary lobes; c. v, contractile vesicle; e, eye-spot; int, intestine; lr, lorica; l. f, lateral feeler; m, muscular bands; nph, nephridial tubes; ov, ovary; ph, pharynx; st, stomach; t, tail; tr, d, trochal disc; vt, vitellarium." -Parker, 1900

Brachionus Rubens

"Brachionus rubens. A, from the dorsal aspect; B, from the right side. a, anus; br, brain; d. f. dorsal…

Rotifers are free-swimming pseudo-coelomates. They occur in freshwater and are easily examined because they are transparent.


Rotifers are free-swimming pseudo-coelomates. They occur in freshwater and are easily examined because…

The rotifer or "wheel animalcule" owes its name to the fact that the anterior end of the body is almost always furnished with one or two circlets of cilia.


The rotifer or "wheel animalcule" owes its name to the fact that the anterior end of the body is almost…

The rotifer or "wheel animalcule" owes its name to the fact that the anterior end of the body is almost always furnished with one or two circlets of cilia.


The rotifer or "wheel animalcule" owes its name to the fact that the anterior end of the body is almost…

This diagram shows a sagittal section of a Rotifer. b, brain; bl., excretory bladder; c, cloaca, the common opening of digestive and reproductive organs; co, caelom; e, eyespot; ex, excretory canal; f, flame cells; f.g., foot gland; ft., foot; g, gut; m, mouth; m.f., longitudinal muscle fibres; mx, mastax; o, ovary; pf., pharynx; s.g., salivary gland; t, tentacle; tr, trochus, or cilia-bearing disc.


This diagram shows a sagittal section of a Rotifer. b, brain; bl., excretory bladder; c, cloaca, the…

Echlanis macrura is a species of rotifer, a microscopic planktonic animal.


Echlanis macrura is a species of rotifer, a microscopic planktonic animal.

A rotifer or wheel animalcule (Floscularia ornata) is a microscopic animal named for the cilia used in motion.


A rotifer or wheel animalcule (Floscularia ornata) is a microscopic animal named for the cilia used…