Diagram of muscle fiber with sarcolemma attached. Muscular tissue is the tissue by means of which the active movements of the body are produced. All muscular tissue consists of fibers, and whenever a muscle fiber contracts, it tends to bring its two ends, with whatever may be attached to them, together.

Muscle Fiber

Diagram of muscle fiber with sarcolemma attached. Muscular tissue is the tissue by means of which the…

Portion of medium sized human muscular fibre.

Human Muscle

Portion of medium sized human muscular fibre.

Part of a striped muscle fiber of a water beetle prepared with absolute alcohol. Labels: A, sarcolemma; B, Krause's membrane. The sarcolemma shows regular bulgings. Above and below Krause's membrane are seen the transparent "lateral discs". The chief mass of a muscular compartment is occupied by the contractile disc composed of sarcous elements. The substance of the individual sarcous elements has collected more at the extremity than in the center: hence this latter is ore transparent. The optical effect of this is that the contractile disc appears to posses a "median disc" (Disc of Hensen). Several nuclei of muscle corpuscles, C and D, are shown, and in them a minute network.

Striped Muscular Fiber of a Beetle

Part of a striped muscle fiber of a water beetle prepared with absolute alcohol. Labels: A, sarcolemma;…