"Draw three-inch square and one-inch square. From the corners of inner square draw lines to outer square at 15 degrees and 75 degrees, with the two triangles in combination. Mark points with spacers 3/16" inside of each line of this outside cross, and complete figure with triangles in combination." —French, 1911

Drawing Maltese Cross using T-square, Spacers, and Triangles

"Draw three-inch square and one-inch square. From the corners of inner square draw lines to outer square…

"Through the center of the space draw the three construction lines, AB vertical, DE and FG at 30 degrees. Measure CA and CB 1 1/2" long. Draw AE, AF, DB and BG at 30 degrees. Complete hexagon by drawing DF and GE vertical. Set spacers to 3/32". Step off 3/32" on each side of the center lines, and 3/16" from each side of hexagon. Complete figure as shown with triangle against T-square." —French, 1911

Drawing Hexagonal Figure

"Through the center of the space draw the three construction lines, AB vertical, DE and FG at 30 degrees.…