"Anterior end of body of Branchiostoma. d, chorda dorsalis; e, spinal cord; f, cartilaginous rods; g, eye; h, branchial rods; i, labial cartilage; k, oral cirrhi." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Anterior end of body of Branchiostoma. d, chorda dorsalis; e, spinal cord; f, cartilaginous rods; g,…

A back view of the brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum. 3, The spinal cord. 4, Nerves of the face. 5, The brachial plexus of nerves. 6, 7, 8, 9, Nerves of the arm. 10, Nerves that pass under the ribs. 11, The lumbar plexus of nerves. 12, The sacral plexus of nerves. 13, 14, 15, 16, Nerves of the lower limbs.

A Back View of the Brain and Spinal Cord

A back view of the brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum. 3, The spinal…

1. Hemispheres of the brain proper, or cerebrum. 2. Hemispheres of the smaller brain, or cerebellum. 3. Spinal cord continuous with the brain, and the spinal nerves proceeding from it on each side.

Brain Hemispheres and Spinal Cord

1. Hemispheres of the brain proper, or cerebrum. 2. Hemispheres of the smaller brain, or cerebellum.…

A cervical vertebra of the spine, inferior surface. Labels: 1, spinous process, slightly bifid; 4, transverse process; 5, articular process, inferior surface. Below the arch, or hollow portion, is seen the solid portion, or body.

Human Cervical Vertebra Bone

A cervical vertebra of the spine, inferior surface. Labels: 1, spinous process, slightly bifid; 4, transverse…

"The Brain is the encephalon, or center of the nervous system and the seat of consciousness and volition in man and the higher animals. Median Longitudinal Section through Head and Upper Part of Neck, to Show relation of Brain to Cranium and the Spinal Cord. <em>c,</em> cerebrum; <em>cb,</em> cerebellum; <em>sc,</em> spinal cord; <em>spc,</em> spinal column; <em>mo,</em> medulla oblongata passing, through foramen magnum, into the spinal cord; <em>pv,</em> pons Varolii; <em>cp,</em> cerebral peduncles or crura cerebri; <em>cqa,</em> anterior corpora quadrigemina; <em>cqp,</em> posterior corpora quadrigemina; <em>pg,</em> pineal gland; <em>pb,</em> pituitary body; <em>cc,</em> corpus collosum, divided transversely; <em>f,</em> fornix; <em>mg,</em> marginal gyrus; <em>gf,</em> gyrus fornicatus; <em>cmg,</em> calloso-marginal suleus; <em>O,</em> occipital lobe; <em>po,</em> parieto-occipital fissure; <em>cf,</em> calcarine fissure; <em>dm,</em>dura mater, separating cerebrum from cerebellum."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Human Brain

"The Brain is the encephalon, or center of the nervous system and the seat of consciousness and volition…

Plan of the constitution of a spinal nerve.

Spinal Nerve

Plan of the constitution of a spinal nerve.

A section of the brain and spinal column. Labels: 1, The cerebrum (large brain). 2, The cerebellum (small brain). 3, The Medulla Oblongata. 4, The spinal cord in its canal.

The Spinal Column and Brain

A section of the brain and spinal column. Labels: 1, The cerebrum (large brain). 2, The cerebellum (small…

Side view of spinal column, without sacrum and coccyx. Labels: 1 to 7, cervical vertebrae; 8 to 19, dorsal vertebrae; 20 to 24, lumbar vertebrae; A, A, spinous processes; C, D, transverse processes; E, intervertebral aperture or foramen; a, atlas; 2, axis.

Human Spinal Column

Side view of spinal column, without sacrum and coccyx. Labels: 1 to 7, cervical vertebrae; 8 to 19,…

"Magnified view of transverse section of the spinal cord through the middle of the Lumbad Enlargement: showing, on the right side, the course of the Nerve-roots, and on the left, the position of the principal tracts of Vesicular Matter. A, anterior columns; P, posterior columns; L, lateral columns; a, anterior median fissure; p, posterior median fissure; b, anterior roots of spinal nerves; c, posterior roots; d, tracts of vesicular matter in anterior column; e, tracts of vesicular matter in posterior column; f, spinal canal." &mdash; Chambers, 1881

Spinal Cord

"Magnified view of transverse section of the spinal cord through the middle of the Lumbad Enlargement:…

The spinal cord.

Spinal Cord

The spinal cord.

Portion of the spinal cord. 1: Body of cord; 2: A spinal nerve from left side of cord; 3: Anterior roots of a nerve; 4: Posterior roots.

Spinal Cord

Portion of the spinal cord. 1: Body of cord; 2: A spinal nerve from left side of cord; 3: Anterior roots…

"Diagram of a cross-section of the spinal cord through the roots of spinal nerves. c, central canal; d.f., dorsal fissure; d.r., dorsal root of spinal nerve arising from the dorsal horn of the gray matter (g); gn., ganglion on the dorsal root; n, spinal nerve; v.f., ventral fissure; v.r., ventral root of the spinal nerve, arising from the ventral horn of the gray matter; w., white matter." -Galloway, 1915

Spinal Cord

"Diagram of a cross-section of the spinal cord through the roots of spinal nerves. c, central canal;…

The skull and spinal canal of a child from behind with the Dura Mater slit open and ribs with the transverse processes of vertebrae dissected out.

The Position of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves in the Spinal Canal

The skull and spinal canal of a child from behind with the Dura Mater slit open and ribs with the transverse…

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve, b, auditory nerve; VIII, pneumo-gastric nerve; VIII, a, glosso-pharyngeal, b, spinal accessory; IX, hypoglossal; c1-c7, cervical nerve root; d1-d12, dorsal nerve roots; L1-L5, lumbar nerve roots; S4-S5, 4th and 5th sacral nerves; Cocc, coccygeal nerves; B.P., brachial plexus; L.P., lumbar plexus; S.P. sacral plexus; S a, b, c, cervical sympathetic ganglia.

Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Base of Brain

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve,…

Transverse section of the spinal cord. Labels: 1, 2, Spinal nerves. 3, Origin of posterior root. 4, Origin of anterior root with the commissure or bridge between the two halves. 5, Ganglion of posterior root.

Transverse Section of the Spinal Cord

Transverse section of the spinal cord. Labels: 1, 2, Spinal nerves. 3, Origin of posterior root. 4,…

Transverse sections of spinal cord at different levels.

Transverse Sections of Spinal Cord

Transverse sections of spinal cord at different levels.

Diagram of the spinal cord and its fissure. The figure to the left is a ventral aspect and the figure on the right is a dorsal view.

Ventral and Dorsal Views of the Spinal Cord

Diagram of the spinal cord and its fissure. The figure to the left is a ventral aspect and the figure…

A diagram of a transverse section of a vertebrate. Labels: 1, the walls; 2, digestive organs; 3, circulatory organs; 4, ganglia; 5, spinal cord; 6, spinal column.

Transverse Section of a Vertebrate

A diagram of a transverse section of a vertebrate. Labels: 1, the walls; 2, digestive organs; 3, circulatory…