1. Hemispheres of the brain proper, or cerebrum. 2. Hemispheres of the smaller brain, or cerebellum. 3. Spinal cord continuous with the brain, and the spinal nerves proceeding from it on each side.

Brain Hemispheres and Spinal Cord

1. Hemispheres of the brain proper, or cerebrum. 2. Hemispheres of the smaller brain, or cerebellum.…

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve, b, auditory nerve; VIII, pneumo-gastric nerve; VIII, a, glosso-pharyngeal, b, spinal accessory; IX, hypoglossal; c1-c7, cervical nerve root; d1-d12, dorsal nerve roots; L1-L5, lumbar nerve roots; S4-S5, 4th and 5th sacral nerves; Cocc, coccygeal nerves; B.P., brachial plexus; L.P., lumbar plexus; S.P. sacral plexus; S a, b, c, cervical sympathetic ganglia.

Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, and Base of Brain

Base of brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. Labels: V, 5th nerve; VI, 6th nerve; VII, a, facial nerve,…