"This was invented in 1865 by H. Sprengel. The instrument, in its original (simplest) form, consists of a vertical capillary glass tube a of about 1 mm. bore, provided with a lateral branch b near its upper end, which latter, by an india-rubber join governable by a screw-clamp, communicates with a funnel. The lower end is bent into the shape of a hook, and dips into a pneumatic trough. The vessel to be exhausted is attached to b, and, in order to extract its gas contents, a properly regulated stream of mercury is allowed to fall through the vertical tube." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"This was invented in 1865 by H. Sprengel. The instrument, in its original (simplest) form, consists…

The Sprengel pump is a vacuum pump invented by Hanover-born chemist Hermann Sprengel in 1865 while he was working in London. The pump could be run continuously and without any supervision to achieve the lowest vacuum achievable at that time.

Sprengel Pump

The Sprengel pump is a vacuum pump invented by Hanover-born chemist Hermann Sprengel in 1865 while he…

The Sprengel pump is a vacuum pump invented by Hanover-born chemist Hermann Sprengel in 1865 while he was working in London. The pump could be run continuously and without any supervision to achieve the lowest vacuum achievable at that time.

Sprengel Pump

The Sprengel pump is a vacuum pump invented by Hanover-born chemist Hermann Sprengel in 1865 while he…

Sprengel's vacuum pump. c d is a long glass tube. A is a funnel, R is a receiver, B is a flask and H is a dish. This vacuum pump was invented by Hanover native Hermann Sprengel in 1865

Vacuum Pump

Sprengel's vacuum pump. c d is a long glass tube. A is a funnel, R is a receiver, B is a flask and H…

Sprengel's pynkometer, a u-shaped flask.

Sprengel's pyknometer

Sprengel's pynkometer, a u-shaped flask.