"A wood-wind instrument, not a "horn," member of the clarinet family, of which it is the tenor. The basset horn consists of a nearly cylindrical tube of wood (generally cocus or box-wood), having a cylindrical bore and terminating in a metal bell wide than that of the clarinet. For convenience in reaching the keys and holes, the modern instrument is usually bent or curved either near the mouthpiece or at the bell, which is turned upwards." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Basset Horn

"A wood-wind instrument, not a "horn," member of the clarinet family, of which it is the tenor. The…

(1850-1925) Polish operatic singer.  Renowned internationally for the high quality of his singing and the elegance of his bearing, he became the biggest male opera star of the late 19th century.

Jean De Reszke

(1850-1925) Polish operatic singer. Renowned internationally for the high quality of his singing and…

Saxophone with a pitch between an alto and bass.

Tenor Saxophone

Saxophone with a pitch between an alto and bass.