"Siege of Vicksburg. Life in the trenches- bivouac of Leggett's Brigade- McPherson's Corps at the White House. Our illustration shows the life led by the besieging troops. The deep ravine is studded with the rude huts, or quarters, burrowed in the earth. Here, at the White House, well riddled with Confederate shell, were bivouacked Leggett's Brigade of McPherson's Seventeenth Army Corps. To the left of the house an opening in the bank shows the entrance to the covered way by which the Confederate works were approached. The operation of mining the enemy's works is here shown. This was conducted by Captain Hickenloper, Chief Engineer of General McPherson's Staff. The sketch was made in the sap, within fifteen feet of the Confederate Fort Hill, behind which lay the Confederate sharpshooters, held at bay by Coonskin and other riflemen eagerly on the lookout for a Confederate head."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Siege of Vicksburg

"Siege of Vicksburg. Life in the trenches- bivouac of Leggett's Brigade- McPherson's Corps at the White…