The coversedsine is equal to 1 minus the sine. In this figure, AE is parallel to OB; hence, EO = AC = sine of angle AOC, when radius OA - 1. Therefore, Coversedsine = 1 - sine = 1 - AC/OA = 1 - AC = 1 - EO = ER, when OA = 1.

Versedsine and Coversedsine in Circle

The coversedsine is equal to 1 minus the sine. In this figure, AE is parallel to OB; hence, EO = AC…

"In trigonometry, the arcs of circles are used to measure angles. All angles are supposed to have their vertexes at the center O of the circle, one side of the angle lying to the right of O, and coinciding with the horizontal diameter, as OB."

Arcs and Angles of a Trigonometric Circle

"In trigonometry, the arcs of circles are used to measure angles. All angles are supposed to have their…

Right triangle OCA, inside of Circle O is used to show that side AC is "opposite" O and side OC is "adjacent" to O. OA is the hypotenuse. Sine is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse (AC/OA). Cosine is defined as the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse (OC/OA), and Tangent is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side (DB/OB).

Trigonometry Triangle to Show Sine, Cosine, and Tangent

Right triangle OCA, inside of Circle O is used to show that side AC is "opposite" O and side OC is "adjacent"…