This is a diagram of a trunk vertebra in a mammal. c, centrum; ch., position originally occupied by the notochord; h., head of the rib; h.c., haemal cavity; n.a., neural arch; n.c., neural canal; n.s., neural spine; r., rib; st., sternum; s.c., sternal cartilage uniting ribs and sternum; t.p., transverse process of vertebra; tu., tuberole of rib.

Mammal Vertebrae

This is a diagram of a trunk vertebra in a mammal. c, centrum; ch., position originally occupied by…

Transverse section through the trachea and its immediate surroundings at the level of each of the upper five dorsal vertebrae.

Sections Through Trachea

Transverse section through the trachea and its immediate surroundings at the level of each of the upper…