The image shows different layers of clay, gravel, and sand and how underground waters travel through. HT is the sand surface S is the lowest point where rain water will settle. W is a well that goes as deep as g. O is gravel where water can fill. A and B are artesian wells.

Underground Waters

The image shows different layers of clay, gravel, and sand and how underground waters travel through.…

How the well often becomes impure and carries disease. A well near a barnyard or cesspool is likely to be unsafe for use. The liquids enter the soil, and sometimes follow along the crevice in rocks a hundred feet or more. Sewage, which is household waste, garbage, or dead animals cast into a stream, or placed near a well or spring, may cause many deaths among those using the water.

Well Water

How the well often becomes impure and carries disease. A well near a barnyard or cesspool is likely…