Every human body begin as a single nucleated cell. This cell, known as the ovum, divides or segments and gives rise to a mass consisting of a number of similar units known as the morula. At this stage there are no distinguishable tissues.

Cell Development

Every human body begin as a single nucleated cell. This cell, known as the ovum, divides or segments…

"Life history of Coccidium. 1. Sporozoite; 2. Sporozoite entering a cell and becoming a trophozoite; 3-4. Schizont, forming merozoites; 5. Merozoites entering another cell; 6a. Merozoite forming macrogamete; 6b. Merozoite forming microgametes; 7. Free microgamete; 8-9. Fertilisation of macrogamete by microgamete; 10. Zygote within oocyst; 11. Formation of spores within oocyst; 12. Spores forming sporozoites." -Thomson, 1916


"Life history of Coccidium. 1. Sporozoite; 2. Sporozoite entering a cell and becoming a trophozoite;…

An illustration of the division of a zygote of Cyclospora Cayetanensis into two sporoblasts.

Division of Zygote

An illustration of the division of a zygote of Cyclospora Cayetanensis into two sporoblasts.