The breadfruit bears an edible fruit and contains milky sap.


The breadfruit bears an edible fruit and contains milky sap.

"The breadfruit is a large, globular fruit of a pale-green color, about the size of a child's head, marked on the surface with irregular six-sided depressions, and containing a white and somewhat fibrous pulp, which when ripe becomes juicy and yellow. The tree that produces it grows wild in Tahiti and other islands of the South Seas. it is about 40 feet high, with large and spreading branches, and has large bright green leaves, deeply divided into seven or nine spear-shaped lobes. The eatable part of this fruit lies between the skin and the core, and it is as white as snow and somewhat of the consistence of new bread."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"The breadfruit is a large, globular fruit of a pale-green color, about the size of a child's head,…

"The breadfruit is a large, globular fruit of a pale-green color, about the size of a child's head, marked on the surface with irregular six-sided depressions, and containing a white and somewhat fibrous pulp, which when ripe becomes juicy and yellow. The tree that produces it grows wild in Tahiti and other islands of the South Seas. it is about 40 feet high, with large and spreading branches, and has large bright green leaves, deeply divided into seven or nine spear-shaped lobes. The eatable part of this fruit lies between the skin and the core, and it is as white as snow and somewhat of the consistence of new bread."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Breadfruit Fruit

"The breadfruit is a large, globular fruit of a pale-green color, about the size of a child's head,…

Breadfruit is a tree and fruit native to the East Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Ocean Islands.


Breadfruit is a tree and fruit native to the East Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Ocean Islands.