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Historic and contemporary maps of Italy, including political and physical maps, early empires, WWI, city plans, and battle plans.

Kingdom of Dionysius, 367 BC
A map of the Greek colonies on Sicily and southern Italy, showing the Kingdom of Dionysius I, in 367 BC. The map shows the important cities of Syracuse, Messene (Messina), Rhegium, Camarina, Hipponium, and Crota, and the Carthaginian territory to the...

Plan of Syracuse, 415–413 B.C.
A plan of the Greek colony of Syracuse during the years 415 to 413 BC, at the siege of Syracuse in the Peloponnesian War. The map shows Athenian naval camp (a), the Athenian fort (b), the height at the rear of the Athenian line (c), the Athenian Wall...

Syracuse at the Time of the Siege, 415–413 BC
A map of the Greek city–state of Syracuse at the time of the siege by Athens during the Peloponnesian War (415–413 B.C.). While most of Sicily and southern Italy was under Athenian control, Syracuse was aligned with the Spartans. This map...

Plan of fora of Julius, Augustus, and Nerva, 46 BC to AD 113
This is a map showing the imperial forums built in Rome from 46 BC to AD 113, in particular the ones built for Augustus, Caesar, and Nerva. This map shows the forums, the temples, and surrounding roads. ...

Plan of Part of the Cemetery of Sant Agnese, 4th Century AD
This is a detailed map showing the Fourth Century catacombs in the Cemetery of Saint Agnes including Saint Agnes herself. It names each part by number key below. The Saint Agnes Basilica, which was built in Seventh Century AD, stands over the catacom...

Ancient Italy, 509 BC to AD 476
A map of ancient Italy showing the early provinces and principal cities....

Italy, 650
A map of Italy in AD 650 showing the lands of the Lombards, lands of the Eastern Empire (the Greek Empire or Byzantine at Constantinople), the country of the Serbs and Croats, the country of the Avars, and the Kingdom of the Franks at the time....

Italy Divided by Augustus into Eleven Regions, 7 BC
A map of Roman Italy, or Italia in 7 BC, when, according to Pliny the Elder, Augustus Caesar divided Italia into eleven regions (regiones), Latium et Campania (I), Apulia et Calabria (II), Lucania et Brutii (III), Samnium (IV), Picenum (V), Umbria et...

Chief Greek Colonies in Southern Italy, 734–710 BC
The Grecian colonies in southern Italy began to be planted at nearly the same time as in Sicily. They eventually lined the whole southern coast, as far as Cumae on the one sea and Tarentum on the other. Map scale —— Smith ...

Latium and Neighbors, 750 BC
A map of Latium and Neighbors around the earliest time of Rome. This map shows the territories of Caerites Latini, Sabini, Etruria, and others, as well as important cities of the time, major rivers and lakes, coastal features, and terrain. An inset m...

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